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  • Robot Revolution: Your Next Friend Is A Machine!

Robot Revolution: Your Next Friend Is A Machine!

ACTION: Start paying attention to robots.

Let’s Countdown! - 03/1/24

This week’s countdown for everything AI + Automation: Let’s Get Started.


If you don't embrace AI and robotics early in your career or business, it may eventually replace you or simply start USING YOU.

  • Sanctuary Ai just released The world's first humanoid general-purpose robot powered by Carbon™: What this means for us is simply day-to-day tasks are soon to be replaced. → Video

  • Figure AI, a robotics startup, is making serious moves in the humanoid robot space: The more companies in this space the cheaper it will get for us everyday people. Article

  • Adobe reveals a GenAI tool for music, an early-stage generative AI music generation and editing tool: It allows users to generate music from text prompts, with AI acting as a music co-creator. → Article

  • OpenAI released Sora an AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions: Pretty soon, you won’t ever have to look for a stick video again, you can just generate it. News

  • Introducing Gemini 1.5, Google’s next-generation model: What’s cool about this release is the 1 million context window that comes with it. You can upload 7 Books and chat with them.→ Article

  • Robots Feeling at Home: Tailoring Assistive Robots for Seniors: Soon you won’t have to worry about taking care of your seniors because a robot will do it for you. Article

  • Nvidia is building a new type of data center called AI factory. Every company—biotech, self-driving, manufacturing, etc will need an AI factory: With this new AI factory, it won’t be long until everything has AI inside of it. Article

6. SIX BEST Automation

Use these six weekly automations to help boost your productivity to the next level.

  • ChatGPT AI Automation For Beginners 2024: Video

  • LinkedIn Automation: Personalize Your Connection Notes: Video

  • Chat GPT social media management: → Video

  • Never write an email yourself again: → Video

  • Four great ChatGPT automation: → Article

  • Create endless Videos with YOUR FACE: → Video

5. FIVE TOP AI Tools

Here is a list of 5 top AI tools for this week.

  • MetaVoice - Create custom, human-like, expressive speech.

  • Dear Ai - Generate intimate, thoughtful, and beautiful letters.

  • Genie AI - Your AI legal assistant

  • Reclaim AI - Personal time tracking app for tasks, habits, & meetings.

  • Blobr.io - The AI assistant connected to your business tools.

4. FOUR BIG Case Studies

Here are four things you can do to reduce time wasted on marketing.

  • Building a powerful ChatBot for your business: → Video

  • Create unlimited blogs using AI: → Video

  • How to use AI to your advantage: → Video

  • Build your entire website in ONE click: → Video


Steal these prompts to help boost your productivity this week.

  • AI Prompts Linkedin Post Idea Generator: → Prompt

  • YouTube video prompts: → Prompt

  • 215+ GPT work prompts: → Prompt

2. TWO COOL things

Regular people around the world building some of the craziest things imaginable, here are the top two seen this week.

  • Samsung Has a Ballie: AI Robot Helps Around the House: → Video

  • Introducing Sora — OpenAI’s text-to-video model: → Video


I’m providing you with a link I believe you may or MAY NOT find enjoyable. So click at your own risk.


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